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New Zealand Cinematic - filmed in 4K (Aerial Drone and GH4)

من و تو 3 weeks trip with an old-school camper van in New Zealand, South Island.Filmed in 4K, downgraded to 1080p. 4K-Version and a 21:9 Ultra Wide-Ve

لینک های دانلود: دانلود کیفیت 270p | دانلود کیفیت 360p | دانلود کیفیت 720p |

Colors of New Zealand | A Road Travel Film in 4k | GH4 Vlog L & Phantom 3 Professional S Log

من و تو https://www.facebook.com/ThomasSchweighoferFilmhttps://instagram.com/thomasschweighoferdotnethttp://www.thomasschweighofer.net/info@thomasschw

لینک های دانلود: دانلود کیفیت 270p | دانلود کیفیت 360p | دانلود کیفیت 720p |

NEW ZEALAND by DRONE in 4K // Luke Renard

من و تو Over the last 9 months I have been Living, Working and Exploring in the beautiful country of New Zealand. This video is a compilation of some

لینک های دانلود: دانلود کیفیت 254p | دانلود کیفیت 338p | دانلود کیفیت 674p |