کنز KLM Economy Comfort Products runs a guerrilla marketing campaign that makes you feel like your sitting on a cloud!--------------------------------
لینک های دانلود: دانلود کیفیت 270p | دانلود کیفیت 360p | دانلود کیفیت 720p |
کنز http://www.venturalist.comI always see cool, funny or just unusual marketing campaigns and I thought I'd make a slideshow of the coolest mark
لینک های دانلود: دانلود کیفیت 270p | دانلود کیفیت 360p | دانلود کیفیت 720p |
کنز Ray Ban recently did a guerrilla marketing campaign that consisted of printing out Ray Ban sunglasses and sticking them on random posters, statues
لینک های دانلود: دانلود کیفیت 270p | دانلود کیفیت 360p | دانلود کیفیت 720p |