بوکان پینیون Input: green shaft with four gears fixed on it.Output: red shaft with pink, violet, yellow and blue gears rotating idly on it.The gears
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بوکان پینیون For more see:http://meslab.org/mes/showthread.php?p=111832#post111832 Milling triangle with Reuleaux polygon 1 Mechanism , بوکان پینیون
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بوکان پینیون Bars of identical colour are of equal length.In each mechanism axle distance between the two fixed revolution joints and the orange bar l
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بوکان پینیون Operator's left foot pushes green lever to rotate the wheel. Continuous rotation is possible thanks to flywheel inertia. At starting
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بوکان پینیون The mechanism consists of 2 movable links, 2 screw joints and 1 prismatic joint. In 1 rev of the blue crank:The nut's displacement s
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